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NG#7 - calldata

The content of this task is about the calldata of the StarkNet contract. Calldata refers to the data passed to a function during a function call. In StarkNet, the data passed can be of various types, but it will ultimately be converted into a snapshot consisting of multiple felt252s. For more details, see the call_contract_syscall in the StarkNet contract.

There are two contracts, the "PortalSpell" contract with a "cast" function that accepts an Array<PortalData>, and the "DrunkenMage" contract with a "cast" function that takes two Array<felt252>. You need to pass in calldata consisting of two arrays, and the first two PortalData in the Array<PortalData> should be the same (as verified in the contract code).

struct PortalData {
  location: felt252,
  details: Array<felt252>

// Expected function signature
cast(portal_data: Array<PortalData>)

// Mage's function signature
cast(origin: Array<felt252>, destination: Array<felt252>)

The above "cast" will be called across contracts through a dispatcher, so there is no need to verify if the parameters are the same.


First, you need to understand how the StarkNet contract parses calldata, which is explained clearly in the task's walkthrough.

The goal is to encode an Array<PortalData>, with the value being [ 0: { location: 'TAVERN', details: [ 'OPEN', 'PORTAL' ] }, 1: { location: 'HOME', details: [ 'CLOSE', 'PORTAL' ] } ].

Since Serde is implemented, the struct can be serialized. When printed in the test, a single struct is encoded as follows:

[DEBUG] TAVERN          (raw: 0x54415645524e
[DEBUG]                 (raw: 0x2
[DEBUG] OPEN            (raw: 0x4f50454e
[DEBUG] PORTAL          (raw: 0x504f5254414c

When the two PortalData are combined and a 2 is added at the beginning, it becomes the final encoding.

The drunk_spell.cast(origin, destination) is passed separately, and we must find the values for origin and destination so that when it is interpreted as Array<PortalData>, it reflects the desired calldata.

Only the first two Portals need to be verified, which are ['TAVERN', 2, 'OPEN', 'PORTAL', 'HOME', 2, 'CLOSE', 'PORTAL'].

If an additional PortalData {location: 'VOID', details: ['ANY']} is added, the encoding becomes [3, 'TAVERN', 2, 'OPEN', 'PORTAL', 'HOME', 2, 'CLOSE', 'PORTAL','VOID', 1 , 'ANY'], which can also be verified.

However, if it is split into two arrays and passed separately, it becomes [3, 'TAVERN', 2, 'OPEN', 'PORTAL'] and ['PORTAL', 'HOME', 2, 'CLOSE', 'PORTAL','VOID', 1 , 'ANY']. The conversion of 'PORTAL' to a felt decimal number will be very large, and adding more details to meet the length requirement or adding more portals will consume a lot of gas, resulting in an error when running the test.

If the number of Portals is increased until the length of the second parameter array is a very small number, it will not consume much gas. Now you should know how to write it.

After passing the test, I am ready to deploy the contract for hacking. It seems a bit complicated to deploy the hack contract using starkli invoke, as it does not support passing arrays. snforge invoke --calldata can pass calldata, but I don't know how to pass additional parameters such as the account. Finally, I found that sending the two calldata directly through the Voyager browser is the simplest method.


The calldata composition rule of StarkNet is very simple, and the challenging part of this question is adding more Portals to form a specific calldata. It is an interesting CTF question.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.