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NG#4 - Contract Address Calculation

The text is a guide for a CTF (Capture The Flag) challenge related to the StarkNet blockchain platform. It provides instructions on how to deploy a hack contract and calculate a specific contract address using the StarkNet.js SDK.

The guide explains that the challenge involves deploying a hack contract that calls a target contract's function. It mentions the need to understand how StarkNet contracts are generated and provides a sample hack contract code.

The deployment process is described using the "starkli" tool, which involves building the contract, declaring it, and deploying it using a specific salt value. The resulting contract address is then calculated using the StarkNet.js SDK.

The guide also mentions the availability of two Rust libraries for calculating contract addresses but states that they were not suitable for the specific challenge requirements.

Finally, the guide summarizes the challenge and highlights the need for familiarity with StarkNet and contract interactions. It also mentions the use of SDKs for off-chain calculations.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.